Your Daddy 2013/09/01 Your daddy so bald when he wears a turtle neck he look like a broken condom! :) :P.. Bungee Jump 2013/09/01 Your Momma is so fat . . .She went bungee jumping and went straight to Hell... Your mamas butt so big when she goes down... 2013/09/01 Your mamas butt so big when she goes down the street she needs a wide load sign on her bac.. Ear pieced 2013/09/01 your momma is go small she had her ear pieced and died!.. Joe is gay 2013/09/01 joes mumma.. Your Mama So Fatt 2013/09/01 Your momma so fat the only way she remembers your number is when she steps on the scale... Yo momma iz..... 2013/09/01 yo momma so stupid she got ran over by a parked car.. Yo mama is so skinny 2013/09/01 Yo mama so skinny she has to wear a belt with spandex... Yo mommy 2013/09/01 yo mommy so fat when she jumped she got stuck in the sky... Your Momma is so old I pat her on the back... 2013/09/01 Your Momma is so old I pat her on the back her boob fell off.. Ilean 2013/09/01 yo mama got one eye and one leg every body calls her ilean.. YOUR MOMmas 2013/09/01 Your mommas so old she sat behind jeaus in the third grade. .. YO MOMMA IS SO FAT WHEN SHE WENT ON A WEIGHT... 2013/09/01 YO MOMMA IS SO FAT WHEN SHE WENT ON A WEIGHT SCALE IT SAID TO BE CONTINUED.... your mamma is so fat she makes free willy... 2013/09/01 your mamma is so fat she makes free willy look like a tic tac.. Carwash 2013/09/01 Yo mama so fat she had to go to the car wash to take a shower... Yo mammas.... 2013/09/01 Your mommas so hairy that people out in China and Japan mistaken her for Godzillas daughte.. Your momas soooo fat! 2013/09/01 your momas so fat that she had to use a lawn mower to shave her legs.. On the Rainbow 2013/08/31 Your momma is so fat, when she sat on a rainbow skittles popped out and everybody said," t.. Yo mamma& ketchup 2013/08/31 Yo mamma is like a bottle of ketchup; you have to pat it on thebottom a couple of times to.. The Funny Joke 2013/08/31 Your Momma Is So FAT When She Jumped In The Ocean The Whales Said We Are Family... Yo Mamas Teeth..... 2013/08/31 yo mamas teeth are so yellow that when she smiled, the traffic slowed down... Your Mama vs. Subway 2013/08/31 Whats the difference between your mama and a subway? Not everyone has ridden the subway... Yo mama soo sleepy 2013/08/31 Yo mama soo sleepy when she go to salon for a haircut but came out with shaved head and ar.. E.T 2013/08/31 your mamma so fat she would of been in the E.T movie but when she tried to ride the bike o.. Yo mammas so stupid 2013/08/31 Yo mammas so stupid she put lipstick on her forehead so she could make up her mind!.. U SO UGLY 2013/08/31 U SO UGLY YOUR MOMMA HAD TO PUT A PORKCHOP AROUND YOUR NECK JUST SO THe DOG WILL PLAY WITH.. Exorcist 2013/08/31 Yo mama so ugly when she was born she had to be delivered by anexorcist... Your mamma!!!!!!!!! 2013/08/31 Your mamma is so stupid that she put a quarter in a parking meter and said hey where is my.. BIRD 2013/08/31 YO MAMMAS SO DUMB SHE TRIEND TO DROWN A FISH!.. Ur mommas so fat 2013/08/31 Your momma is so fat she sat on a rainbow and made skittles!!.. Total:
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