Dance Jokes 5 2012/06/25 How do you see that a linedancer came from Belgium and not from the Netherlands? He wears .. Dance Jokes 4 2012/06/25 Andy: "Doc, I had the worst dream of my life last night. I dreamed I was with twelve .. Dance Jokes 3 2012/06/25 Why did the little kid dance on the jar of jam? Because the top said, "Twist to open... Dance Jokes 2 2012/06/25 Q. Where do tired linedancers go for Breakfast? A. Ihop .. Dance Jokes 1 2012/06/25 What dance do hippies hate? A square dance. .. My dance partner dumped me for my best 2012/05/20 My dance partner dumped me for my best friend. Why? Was he a better dancer? Don't know, .. I've been invited to an avoidance. 2012/05/20 I've been invited to an avoidance. An avoidance? What's that? It's a dance for people .. How do you see that a linedancer came 2012/05/20 How do you see that a linedancer came from Belgium and not from the Netherlands? He wear.. How do you make a tissue dance 2012/05/20 How do you make a tissue dance ? Put a little boogie in it !.. How do they dance in Arabia 2012/05/20 How do they dance in Arabia? Sheik-to-sheik (cheek). .. Total:
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