Baby jokes 5 2012/06/01 A baby polar bear goes up to his dad and asks, "Dad, am I pure polar bear?" The .. Baby jokes 4 2012/06/01 A family of ducks were walking down the road when an 18-wheeler ran over all but one baby... Baby jokes 3 2012/06/01 Three men were discussing at a bar about coincidences. The first man said, " my wife .. Baby jokes 2 2012/06/01 Mother: Why is there a strange baby in the crib? Daughter: You told me to change the baby... Baby jokes 1 2012/06/01 What is a baby: A soft pink thing that makes a lot of noise at one end and has no sense of.. A Girl or a Boy 2012/05/20 Two babies were sitting in their cribs when one called.. Yet Another One 2012/05/20 In the backwoods of Canada in a shack with no electric.. A Penny For Your Thoughts 2012/05/20 One night a woman found her husband standing over thei.. The Impending Event 2012/05/20 For weeks, a six-year-old boy had been telling his tea.. Pick Up the Pen 2012/05/20 A couple were at their first pre-natal class. So that .. Total:
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