Mama..i love u 2013/08/01 MAMA...I LOVE U!!!.. Yo mom 2013/08/01 your mom is so fat ...............shes FAT.. Twinkie 2013/08/01 Yo mama so fat that she saw a school bus go by and she said "Hey, stop that twinkie!".. Ya Mamma by MizMischief 2013/08/01 Yo mamma so fat that she got to iron her pants on the driveway.. Yo mama!!! 2013/08/01 yo mama is so fat she uses a sofa as tampax.. Rice 2013/07/31 Yo mammas hair is so short she has to roll her hair with rice... Your mama is so fat 2013/07/31 Your mama is so fat when she put on yellow pants when she beant over her pants riped two .. your momma so fat she dunks her vitamins in... 2013/07/31 your momma so fat she dunks her vitamins in brown gravy.. Your mamas so stupid 2013/07/31 your mamas so stupid she ran into a parked car... You are so ...................... 2013/07/31 you are so ugly you smell weird!.. Cusses 2013/07/31 yo mamma so fat when she turns around its her bday!!!!!!!!.. Yo mama's head so small 2013/07/31 Yo mama head so small that she got her ear pierced and died... Stupid 2013/07/31 yo Mama is so stupid she thought a quarterback was a refund... Nasty Eater 2013/07/31 Yo mama so nasty, her favorite meal is chicken pox pie... Your Momma............... 2013/07/31 Your Momma is so fat, when she went to school, she sat next to everyone... Yo mommas so old 2013/07/31 yo mommas so old her birth certificate says expired.. Your momma so skinny 2013/07/31 Your momma is so skinny, if she grows an afro she would look like a used Q-Tip... Yo mammas phone number 2013/07/31 When yo mamma stepped on the scale she saw her phone number... Yo mama is so bald 2013/07/31 Yo mama so bald you can see whats on her mind.. Yo Mama!!!!! 2013/07/31 your mamas so fat her belt size is the equator... Stupid mother 2013/07/31 your mama is so stupid that she bought a sheep and made it jump over her and realized that.. Bumberclot 2013/07/31 .. * 2013/07/31 Yo mama is so stupid, she bought a solar powered flashlight... Ugly momma 2013/07/30 your momma so ugly shes just ugly.. Ur Momma!! 2013/07/30 Ur momma is so fat, she uses a tree as a dildo!!.. Yo Momma is so fat...When she fell and broke... 2013/07/30 Yo Momma is so fat...When she fell and broke her leg, Gravy puored out.. Atlantic ocean 2013/07/30 Q: whats the difference between your mamma and the atlantic ocean?A: the atlantic ocean do.. Your mama so fat 2013/07/30 your mama so fat when she turns to the side she is still in the front.. MOTHER - IN - LAWS 2013/07/30 WHAT HAPPENS IF U MISS URE MOTHER-IN-LAW?SHOOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!.. Skinny Maxipad 2013/07/30 Yo mama is so skinny she uses a band-aid for a maxipad... Total:
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