Faster than speed of light 2013/08/08 whats faster than the speed of light yo mama chasin after a 5cent coin rolin down the hill.. 15 yo mamas 2013/08/08 1.yo mama so short she has to get a running start to get on the toilet seat 2.yo mama so f.. Your mom 2013/08/08 Yo mama was fired from the sperm bank because she got caught drinking on the job!.. Prunes 2013/08/08 Yo mama tiddys so dry and old man jumped on them and said dinner.. Yo mamma so black 2013/08/08 yo mamma so black, she stepped out the car and the oil light came on.. your mommas so stuipd she put a penny in a... 2013/08/08 your mommas so stuipd she put a penny in a gum ball machine and watied for change.. BVD 2013/08/08 Your momma is so fat . . .She put on her BVDs and it spelled "Boulevard"... M and M's 2013/08/08 Yo momma so stupid that she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order... The Fisherman 2013/08/08 What do you call the best fisherman?A master baiter... Get out of heaven 2013/08/08 your momma is so ugly that god did not let her in heaven... Central Heat 2013/08/08 Your mama is so stupid when a robber tried to burn your house down, shesaid, "Clap your ha.. Ass Wipe 2013/08/08 Your Mama's so FAT,she had to use the bed sheets to wipe her ass!!.. Cars 2013/08/08 Your momma is so stupid when she went to go pick up her Masserati she said "Wheres my hotw.. Shamoo 2013/08/08 the last time yo mama went to the aquarium in black a worker pushed her in and said "stop .. Yur mommas so tuby 2013/08/08 ya moms so fat she looks lik a y r u readin dis joke ya freak... Yo mammas so hairy....... 2013/08/08 yo momma is so hairy that she makes big foot look shaved!!!.. yo mamas like a chinies buffet all you can... 2013/08/07 yo mamas like a chinies buffet all you can eat for 4.99.. Your mama so big.... 2013/08/07 your mamma so big she pokes two holes in a hefty bag and attaches a ratchet strap for a g-.. Coolaid man 2013/08/07 YO MAMMA IS SO FAT WHEN SHE CAME OUTSIDE WITH A RED SHIRT ON EVERY BODY THOUGHT SHE WAS TH.. Your mamma is so stupid... 2013/08/07 Your mamma is so stupid she got locked in a toilet and shat herself!.. Dumbo 2013/08/07 Your momma s dume she triped over a cordless phone... You so po 2013/08/07 you so po i came to your house stepped on a cigarette and yourmomma says there go the heat.. your mother is so ugly that when she stuck... 2013/08/07 your mother is so ugly that when she stuck her head out the window the police arrested he.. Plop position 2013/08/07 1 Your mama's so fat she has smaller fat women orbiting around her!2 Y.M.S.F her job is sp.. Faty momma 2013/08/07 yo momma is so fat when she falls they have to put it in slow motion for us to see.. You Might Be A Redneck... 2013/08/07 What's the last thing you usually hear before a redneck dies?'Hey y'all... Watch this!'How.. Mexican Bandit 2013/08/07 A Mexican bandit made a specialty of crossing the Rio Grande from time to time and robbing.. Yo mama... 2013/08/07 so fat that every time she turns around it's here fat that she wears a microwa.. Yo! momma 2013/08/07 What does your momma and eggs have in common?They get laid all the time... A bunch of insults 2013/08/07 I'm looking forward to the pleasure of your company since I haven't had it yet.When you pa.. Total:
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