Your momma so fat... 2013/09/04 Your momma so fat, she sat on a rainbow and skittles popped out... Yo mama's glasses so thick 2013/09/04 Yo mama's glasses are so thick that when she looks on a map she can see people waving... Yo momma is so dumb 2013/09/04 Yo momma is so dumb, she stared at a carton of orange juice for an hour because it said "c.. Cant even 2013/09/04 Yo momma is so ugly she cant even go on blind dates... Both Sides of your Family 2013/09/04 Your momma is so fat . . .She is on BOTH sides of your family... Door 2013/09/04 YO mama butt so fat she got stuck by the door the next morning the mailman thought her but.. Yo mommas teeth so yello, the sun said he... 2013/09/04 Yo mommas teeth so yello, the sun said he quit... Yo momma!!!!! 2013/09/04 Is that yo momma or is that yo dog dawg walking backwards... Poor 2013/09/04 Your Momma is so poor, she saw a burning cigerette and started singing, clap your hands, a.. Yo' mama! 2013/09/04 yo' mama is so stupid, she tried to drown a fish!!.. Your momma.......... 2013/09/04 Your mommas so harry when you were born you got rug burn... Dumb as a List of Insults 2013/09/04 An intellect rivaled only by garden tools.As smart as bait.Chimney's clogged.Doesn't have .. How long? 2013/09/03 Your mama is so stupid, she puts a ruler beside her bed to see how longshe slept... Both sides 2013/09/03 Your mama is so fat, she's on both sides of the family... Shes soo hairy 2013/09/03 Your mums fannys so hairy I seen a monkey swing outa there the other day... M&M Mom 2013/09/03 yo momma is so dumb and stupid that they through her out of theM&m's factory for throw.. Your Momma's so stupid... 2013/09/03 Your momma's so stupid, she looked over a glass wall!.. Yo Mammas so stupid... 2013/09/03 Yo mammas so stupid she failed her own blood test... Stink Bomb 2013/09/03 Yo Mamma is so stupid, She uses Stink Bombs as Lysol... FAT BITCH 2013/09/03 YOUR MOMA SO FAT I THOUGHT IT WAS MANING.. Yo momma so stupid..... 2013/09/03 yo momma so stupid she stopped at the stop sign waiting for it to say go... Your moma -Pooltable 2013/09/03 A your moma is like a pooltable, put a dollar in and she'll rack your balls... Yo Momma Twinkie 2013/09/03 Yo Momma so fat, everytime she sees a bus drive by she yells "Stop that Twinkie"!.. Yo Mama Jokes 2013/09/03 Yo mamma is so fat when she sat on a car, she invented the low riderYo mama is so stupid, .. The Man from corrine 2013/09/03 There once was a man from woy woy who had a specch inparment.One day he walked in to a bak.. Yo mammais so fat 2013/09/03 yo mamma is so fat the only thing holding her back from jenny craig is the door...Then whe.. Your Moms Breath 2013/09/03 Tour moms breath is so hot she melts the paint off the wall.. Yo Mama At jokes galore 2013/09/03 Your Mama is so stupid she got locked in the furniture store and slept on the floor... Funny!!!!!! 2013/09/03 I fucked your mamma. HAHAHA.. Yo momma is so ugly she went in the forest... 2013/09/03 Yo momma is so ugly she went in the forest & the tree pissed on her... Total:
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