Two hobbits walk into a bar where one of them picks up a barfly... 2012/07/01 Two hobbits walk into a bar where one of them picks up a barfly. They taker her to ta loca.. Yo mamma too fat 2012/07/01 Yo mamma so fat, the only way she can go is when the elevator is going down... Why do they make glow in the dark condoms? 2012/06/30 Q: Why do they make glow in the dark condoms?A: So that gay men can play Star Wars... small momma 2012/06/30 yo momma so short she does backflips under the bed.. Yo Momma's so old 2012/06/30 Yo Momma's so old she got powderd milk in her boobs!.. Boy and one shoe 2012/06/30 What do you call a boy that is half Mexican and half Chinese that wears only one shoe? Jua.. why do chinese people never use a phone book 2012/06/30 Q; why do Chinese people never use a phone-book?A; because there's so many wings and wongs.. yo mama so ugly and hairy 2012/06/30 Yo mama so hairy and ugly that when she goes into a pet shop she gets trampolized and put .. 90210 2012/06/30 Your Mommas so fat the last time she saw 90210 was on a scale!.. Ocean 2012/06/30 yo mama is so fat she needs an ocean to take a shower!.. eastenders 2012/06/30 YOUR MUM SOO FAT WHEN SHE FELL DOWN THE STAIRS UR DAD THAUGHT IT WAS EASTENDERS.. diet 2012/06/30 YO MAMA SO UP ON HER DIET THAT SHE SAW A GREEN LIZARD WALKING AND TACKLED IT SAYING WALKIN.. stipid 2012/06/30 yo mama so stupid she was sent to blow up a bus and burnt her lips on the tailpipe. LOL.. Yo Momma so old... 2012/06/30 Yo momma so old when she was in high school, there were no history classes... yo mama is so fat 2012/06/30 Yo mama is so fat jabba the hutt said damnyo mama is so stupid that she thought jar jar's .. try not to die from laughter 2012/06/30 YO MAMMA SO FAT WHEN GOD SAID LET THERE BE LIGHT SHE HAD TO MOVE OUT OR THE WAY.. I HAVE A LOT OF THOSE IN MY COUNTRY 2012/06/30 There were three guys on a plane a Black guy,a Chinese guy,and a Mexican guy The pilot tol.. ass cheaks 2012/06/30 what did the ass cheak say to the other ass cheak?im sick of the amount of shit we go thro.. fat mama in the store 2012/06/30 yo mama so fat whan she went to the store they all said get out you fat bitch.. so poor 2012/06/30 yo mama so poor when you open her front door you walk into the backyard.. Who is the famous artist with brown fingers? 2012/06/30 Who is the famous artist with brown fingers?Pic - ass - o... Yo Mama so SKINNY! 2012/06/30 yo mama so skinny she turned side ways and disappeared!!!!.. you mama so fat 2012/06/30 Yo mama so fat not even a JUMBO JET could hold her fat ass in the air.. yomama so fat 2012/06/30 yo mama is sooo fat she hopscotches like this new york, chicago, LA.. Your Momma's so stupid... 2012/06/30 Your momma's so stupid, she looked over a glass wall!.. hispanic man 2012/06/29 Hispanic man walks into a cafe one early morning and noticed that he was the only Hispanic.. dum momma 2012/06/29 yo momma so stupid when she heard a gun shot she ran outside with and XBOX 360.. Have you considered suing... 2012/06/29 Have you considered suing your brains for non-support ?.. These 2 hunters was hunting one day and this one hunter fainted. 2012/06/29 These 2 hunters was hunting one day and this one hunter fainted. The other hunter didn't k.. Yo Momma's So Fat 2012/06/29 Yo momma's so fat her butt looks like two pigs fighting over a Milk Dud!!.. Total:
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