The Cesium song 11

Cesium Glows(Tune, Love's a Rose - Neil Young)Cesium glows, but you better not lick it,It's fire grows when it's on the tongue.Lips full of holes, you'll know you've kissed it,Just take a bite if you want to die young.I want to see what's never been seen,I want to dream that Cesium dream.Come on love, we can glow together,Let's eat it all right now.Take a bite right now.I want to lie in a hole in the ground,Six feet deep, and twelve feet 'round.Sky blue light around me shinin',Pale blue worms upon me dinin'.Cesium glows, but you better not lick it,It's fire grows when its on your tongue.Mouth full of holes if ever you kiss it,Gimme a spoon 'cause I wanna die Young.---Songs of Cesium #109

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