

There once was a man who had a phone implanted in his hand
and he walked into a biker bar. Shortly, his hand started to
ring and he picked his hand up and answered it. This procedure
happened one or two more times, and finally the bartender asked
what the heck he was doing, so he told him he had a cell phone
implanted in his hand, and the bartender told him he better be
careful because the boys at the bar did not like freaks like
him. He took the advice. A few minutes later he headed for the
bathroom and did not come back for ten minutes, then fifteen and
fifteen turned into twenty. The bartender went in to check up on
him to see if he had been hurt by a biker and sure enough, he
had his pants down to his ankles and toilet paper stuffed up his
butt. The bartender asked, "I warned you about this!"
And the man replied, "No, you have the wronge idea, I am just
getting a fax!"

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Next: Dentist Jokes 5

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