Yo Mama Jokes

Yo mamma is so fat when she sat on a car, she invented the low rider

Yo mama is so stupid, she tripped over a cordless phone

yo mama is so stupid, that she always stared at an OJ carton because it said concentrate

yo mama is so fat when she went bunjee jumping she went straight to hell

yo mama is so fat when she by me while I was watching TV, 5 commercials went by

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Hot Yo momma jokes:

Yo mama so fat......
Yo mama so poor
Yo mama so dumb....
Yo Mama so old
Your Mama So Fat
Yo mamma
he sequense!
Dirty bicth
Things NOT to say to try to complament a 6th Grade
yo mama so fat she cant even jump to conclusion...
Yo Momma So Fat She....
ace man

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