Man's Life!

When God created the donkey, he said;

-You'll work day and night, and you'll carry in your back heavy baggage. You'll eat grass and you'll have low IQ. You'll be living for 50 years.

-But my God, 50 years is a lot of time for that kind of life! Give me only 30.

And so it happened.

Then, God created the dog;

-As a dog, you'll guard man's property and you'll be his staunch/loyal friend. You'll eat their left overs and you'll be living for 25 years.

-Oh, Mighty God. This kind of life is unbearable. Give me only 10 years to live, please.

And so it happened.

Then, God created the monkey;

-You'll jump around, tree to tree, and you'll act like a fool so people can be entertained by you. You life will last 20 years.

-No, God, please! Don't let me suffer for that long. Give only 10 years to live.

And so it happened.

Last, God created the Man;

-You're a Man. You're the only sensible being on the planet earth. You'll use your inteligence to dominance the other creatures. You'll be in charge. You'll life will last 20 years.

-But my one and only God, 20 years is not too long to achieve my goal. I beg you to give me the donkey's 20 years, dog's 15 years and monkeys 10 years.

And so it happen.

Since then;

Man lives for 20 years as a man. Then, he gets married and works as a donkey for 20 years by carrying heavy baggage night and day. He haves children and lives as a dog, guarding the house and his property, eating family left overs. And when he grows old, he lives like a monkey. He's his grandchildren entertainer by acting fool!

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