Your Father's Son But Not Your Brother

One day Bill Clinton was visiting England.

He was having a meeting with Tony Blair, and they were
discussing the reliability of their staff.

"You know Bill," says Tony. "I have a great way of telling how
intelligent my Cabinet ministers are. I ask them a simple logic
question, and if they get it wrong then I demote them in my next

"I'm interested," replies Clinton. "I have a few staff at home
who I'm not too sure about."

Tony Blair calls in Gordon Brown, one of the British Cabinet.
"Allow me to demonstrate. Gordon, I've got a question for you.
If your father's son is not your brother, then who is he?"

"Why," replies Gordon Brown, "It's me of course!"

Bill Clinton was very impressed with this, and decided to try it
out. When he got back home to America he called Al Gore into his

"Al, I've got a question for you. If you get it wrong then I'm
going to fire you."

"Shoot," replies Al confidently.

"If your father's son is not your brother then who is he?"

Oh dear. Unfortunately Al could not manage to get his head
around the problem. He stands there in silence for a few
seconds, worried about his job. "Mr. Clinton, may I please have
24 hours to think about it?"

"Okay then Al," says Bill, "but if you don't get the answer by
tomorrow you're out of a job."

That evening Al was having dinner with Jerry Springer. "Jerry,
I've got a problem. I've got to answer a question, and if I
don't get it right I'll be fired."

"What's the question?" asks Jerry.

"If your father's son is not your brother then who is he?"

Jerry Springer laughs. "It's me!"

Therefore the next morning, Al went to see Bill Clinton.

"Well Al, have you got the answer to the question yet?"

"Yes I have Mr. Clinton! It's Jerry Springer!"

"No!" says Bill. "That's completely wrong. I'm afraid that
you're just too stupid to be in government. I'm going to have to
let you go. Instead I'll make Monica Lewinsky the Vice
President, she's far more intelligent than you are!"

Al was devistated by this. However, one thing still bugged him.
He wanted to know the answer to the riddle which had been the
cause of his demise. "Okay then Mr. Clinton, I'll resign.
However, I have one favour to ask. Please tell me, if your
father's son is not your brother, who is he?"

Bill clinton replies: "IT'S GORDON BROWN, OF COURSE!!"

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Next: Dentist Jokes 5

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