The Pope and The Queen

One day the Pope and the Queen of England were sitting in a
balcony dicussing their power over their people. The Queen tells
the Pope, "With one simple wave of my hand I can make my
followers go crazy." "Prove it," says the Pope. The Queen then
stood up, raises her hands in the air, and her beloved followers
yelled, whistled, and clapped until she had lowered her hand.
The Queen then sat back down and looked at the Pope to see what
he had to say.

The Pope sat for a moment deeply contemplating on how he could
top her stunt. He then said to the Queen, with great confidence,
"With a movement of MY hand I can not only make this crowd go
wild, but give them a story so great they will tell their
children, their children's children, and so on." "I highly doubt
that," remarked the Queen. So the Pope stood up, moved over
towards the Queen and slapped her.

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