Second Chance for Clinton, Lincoln, and Bush

Bill Clinton, Abraham Lincoln, and George Bush died and went to

They were walking and knocked on the door of heaven. God
answered and said that they could have one more chance. He told
them to go over to the cloud on his far right and say what they
wanted to do to make the world a better place. Then jump off and
do that deed. That would show the last part of the test of life
and then that would show that they were ready for heaven.

Abraham went first. "I am going to start world peace!" and he
jumped off and started world peace.

Then George Bush went and said, "I am going to clean up all the
trash put on earth." And he jumped off and started the worldwide
committee for trash clean-ups.

Clinton was very excited he ran and accidentally tripped over a
cloud twig and replied, "SHIT!" and he fell off and became shit
and he helped out the world more than ever.

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