Insane asylum

Three guys are in an insane asylum. The psychiatrist goes around
to check on patients to see how much they've progressed. He goes
into the first guy's room and he's shooting imaginary baskets.
He says, "I want to be a NBA star!" The psychiatrist says,
"Well, we're making progress," and takes note of it.

He goes into the second guys room and he's throwing an imaginary
football. He says, "I want to be in the NFL." The psychiatrist
says again that he's making progress and takes note of it.

He walks into the third guys room and he's standing on the bed
masturbating with peanuts in his hand. The psychiatrist says,
"This is bad, you haven't made much progress the whole time
you've been here." The guy on the bed says, "Damn, I'm never
gonna get out of here, I'm fuckin' nuts!!!"

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