Top Ten Reasons to Give a Domain Name for the Holidays

The Web site Namezero offers the top-10 reasons to give a domain name for the holidays:

10. Easier to find a good domain name than a Playstation 2.

9. It's hypoallergenic

8. No assembly required. (No instructions in foreign languages to fumble through.)

7. Save a tie! Your dad will be ecstatic when he doesn't see that rectangular box under the tree.

6. Save a tree -- you don't have to wrap it!

5. Give someone the secret identity they've always wanted.

4. No matter how hard he tries, the Grinch can't steal a domain name.

3. You won't shoot your eye out with it!

2. It can be passed down from generation to generation like a fruitcake.

1. You can buy it at 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 24 and still have it in time for Christmas.

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