Top 10 causes of death at the computer

10.) CD's were used for a game of frisbee and were found to be too sharp for this purpose. 9.) Died of old age while waiting for a webpage to load. 8.) Died of starvation while waiting for online-ordered meal to arrive. 7.) Went mad trying to understand computer manual. 6.) Computer exploded due to overload of spam and junk mail. 5.) Died of poverty after making the mistake of trying to keep their computer up-to-date. 4.) Bought a mega-hyper-gigaforcep-gerpatologicatron and were never seen again. 3.) Attempted to wire up everything in their house and died of sever burns while trying to flush the toilet. 2.) Tried to design a computer mouse that resembled a real mouse (ate cheese, ran around, squeeked and bit) and died in the process of varied causes. And the number one cause of death at the computer..... 1.) Commited suicide with frustration after trying to make sense on windows '95.

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