On-Line Too Long

You know you've been on-line too long when...

* You start introducing yourself as Jim at aol.com.

* Your wife drapes a wig over the monitor to remind you of what she looks

* You check your mail. It says "no new messages" so you check it again.

* You name your children Eudora, Mozzilla, and Dotcom.

* All of your friends have an @ in their names.

* You tell the cab driver you live at

* You tell the kids they can't use the computer because "Daddy/Mommy's got
work to do".

* You get a tattoo that says "This body best veiwed with Internet Explorer

* You ask the plumber how much it would cost to replace the chair in front
of the computer with a toilet.

* You start tilting your head sideways whenever you smile. :-)

* As your car chrashes through the guardrail on a mountain road, your
first instinct is to search for the "back" button.

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