Microsoft Bashing

On Windows NT(4.0):
The most stable operating system that will run absolutely nothing....But not on absolutely nothing: 384 MB RAM, Dual-PII 400, 11.4 GB HD recommended.All this from the company that abandoned OS/2.Plug 'n play? Are you kidding?All the headaches of Unix, but in a pretty, windowed environment.It doesn't support Plug 'n Play modems, but it will run on multiprocessor system....We support Plug 'n Play devices, just not Plug 'n Play...
On Internet Explorer (4.0):
Sorry that it took four releases <snicker. to get a product that works.1,500,000 beta versions and counting!2,000 "final releases" and counting.As a result of our recent success, we've hired one thousand monkeys previously assigned to duplicating the entire works of Shakespeare.We're not really interested in the browser business. We just felt like making another company suffer.Why use that other browser when we'll revoke your license to use our operating system if you do?

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