Dual-Pentium II Won't Run...

Bob: Hello, here's Bob...

Support: Hello, tell me your problem....

Bob: Well, I bought a new mainboard, and wanted to install it into my

Support: Yeah....

Bob: But after I finished, the Computer doesn't seem to run....

Support: OK, perhaps you forgot some cables or the jumper-settings...

Bob: No, I don't think so....

Support: Well, is the mainboard connected to the power-supply?

Bob: Yes, in deed....

Support: Hmm, did you install the CPU?

Bob: Yes, it's a Pentium II.... I plugged it into the slot....but before
plugging the 2nd CPU I tested the PC to run, and, well it didn't.....

Support: So you have a Dual-PII-Motherboard?

Bob: I guess, there are two slots.... In the manual it says, two identic

Support: What...? AGP slots aren't for the CPU.... the CPU doesn't even
fit into them !!

Bob: I got used to it... before I was able to plug the CPU, i had to break
away some of the CPU's pins.....

Support: That's a joke, isn't it ?!

Bob: Why, did I say something wrong?

Support: No, not really..... It seems to me, that you have a big problem,
you should consult your mainboard-manufacturer.....

Bob: OK, I'll try this then....thank you......

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