Chain Letters


I bet most of you people out there are plenty tired of all those
stupid annoying pointless chainletters out there. Well, I have
put together a list of the types of chain letters that you all
hate. Enjoy!

///TYPE 1///

Please help! Sammy, from Oogalablotscanda needs desperate help!
He has no legs, no arms, and he has to drink 40 gallons of
chocolate syrup before he can eat bannanas! All you have to do
to help Sammy, is send this to 49,092 people in the next 2.998
seconds, and sign your name at the bottom! For every person you
send this to, Sammy will get 1 doller!!!!

///TYPE 2///

Make a wish, and scroll down!

Have you made your wish???

C'mon...make it dammit.

I haven't got all day here.

K got it???


Just keep scrolling..

Scroll more........

Getting tired????????




MAN STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay got your wish? Okay good. Now, all you have to do, is send
this to more people so they can be tortured with anoying
scrolling wish crap!
If you send it to....

0-15 people: Purple donkeys will jump through the moniter and
attack you!
15-30 people: The donkeys will still attack you, but you wont be
injured quite as severely.
30-50 people: many people will be annoyed with you
for sending this!
50-70: You will get $20! Who knows how..but you'll get it!
70-100: You will win the $20,000 lottery, but a big rock will
fall out of the sky and crush you and your computer

Now send away!!

///TYPE 3///

This chain letter has been going on since 1876. This is
incredibly amazing, since there weren't any computers back then.
Send this on (to 200,099 people in the next minutue)...or face
the coniquences! Take a look at these examples-

(Dumbass horror story 1): Lue Ser, a 9 year old boy, was an
average boy. He knew a lot about computers, and he figured that
nothing bad could ever happen to him if he didn't pass this on.
So, he deleted it, without hesitation. The next day, while
getting ready for school, rabid squirrels arived at his door,
and nibbled him to death!!

(Dumbass horror story 2): Stu Pidwun was about eh 12. Nobody
liked him at all, so he didn't have too many friends. He only
sent this to 4 people! After he sent it, he grinned and thought
"what a stupid chain letter nothing bad happend!" Well, little
did he know, an hour later, When he went to take his bath, he
got sucked down the drain! For some strange reason, he shrunk
down in size, and went right down the drain. Noone really cared
tho, cuz no one liked him anyways.

(Dumbass happy story): Linda Luckee, a 12 year old, just like
stu. She had lots of friends though. She really didn't believe
in this chain letter, but she was bored so she sent it to
200,099 people, just like you're supposed to. The next day, she
came home from school super happy. She had won the lottery! This
is surprising, since you have to be an adult to enter the
lottery but she won it alright! Plus, the guy she had been
crusing on for 14 years asked her out!!!

Now, you wouldn't want to end up like Lue, or Stu would you? I'd
much rather be like Linda. Well, it's your choice! Send this to
200,099 people now before the minute is over! Don't break the
chain that's been in existance since 1876!!!!!

///TYPE 4///

Hey this is really cool, try it! Send this to 789 people now!
Exactly 789, if it's any higher or lower you will instantly be
attacked by purple-butted-baboons! Okay, after you send it to
the 789 peeps, hold 1+M+s+t+u+p+1+d+5+g+9+b, then a little
window will pop up. In that window, type in "I don't have enough
fingers to press all the buttons!" Then, a pig will fly across
your screen with you name, hair color, and address on it!
Amazing, huh! Send away!

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