Boy and girl

A boy and a girl went to a sand box at a park and dropped their pants and said whats that, so they said I dunno ill find out, So the boy goes home and says mom whats this and the mom says go ask your father and the father says thats your racecar try to park it in as many garages as you can, so then the girl goes home and says dad whats this and the dad says ask your mother so the mother says thats your garage dont let any racecars park in your garage so they go back to the sand box and drop their pants and say so what is that and the boy says thats my racecar and the girl says this is my garage, about half an hour later the girl goes home with blood on her hands and the mom asks what happened and the girl says he tried to park his racecar in my garage so i popped his tires!!!!!!!!!!!!

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