Bill Gates and GMC

Bill Gates is the owner of Microsoft and GMC is a large car
company. Gates recently told GMC what would happen if Microsoft
produced GMC cars:

1. They would cost about $5.00 each

2. You would be able to change the colors and the arrangement of
parts at any time.

3. It would give you directions and basically travel for you.

4. Free internet access

5. A Christmas card from Bill Gates every year.

GMC in return added what would happen:

1. Every 5 minutes it would freeze in the middle of the road.

2. Before starting the engine, speeding up, slowing down, etc.,
it would ask you if you're sure you want to do this

3. You would have to get a new car every two years because the
old one becomes outdated and can't function on the roads anymore.

4. The NT and MS-DOS cars would cost a little bit more, but
would run better and have free DSL.

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