Actual quotes from customers' calls

* My DOS system got corroded.

* I have about 20,000 megabytes on my hard drive.

* OK, I have a C: backsplash.

* Do I hit "F" and "8" at the same time?

* I have 384,000 free contentious memory

* I have a cursing flasher.

* Do you have 3 1/2 inch diskettes?

"No, I only have 3 of them."

* I have Microword Soft.

* Do you want a forward backslash?

* You want me to "REAM" out SETVER?!

* I was flooding the help file.

* My BOOTLEG file didn't say anything.

* I just put on DOS/Windows 6.0 and my memory crashed the system.

* Press any key. "I can't find it!!"

* This DOS program says I have insignificant memory.

* How do I use my High Megabit memory?

* It says one copy filed.

* Where do I get the 6.2 step on disk?

* I'm having problems with Prodigy now, cause I bought a modem.

* I'm in the CONSYS.FIG file.

* I have SETUP.EXERSIZE on my B floppy.

* Can you hang on while I take out my earring?

* I lost my blue Cyanide color in DOSSHELL.

* When I type Empty Space TEMP it says bad command.

* I have a scummy card in my system.

* One moment while I PARK you (Please Hold).

* I have a terminant swap file.

* I have a terminal swap file.

* I have a termanent swap file.

* Why can't I call more than one BBS with one modem at a time?

this IS a MULTITASKING system, isn't it??

* I have a "teer" to "teer" network.

* I've been using Windows for well over 10 years now.

* I'm in 386 enchanted mode.

* Memory? Is that the RAM stuff?

* Why is my permanent swap file taking up 91K?! (9,186,532 bytes)


* What kind of system do you have? "HP!"

* My modem can't see my Windows!


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