Good parents!

There was a couple wanted to go out for dinner for their anniversary but they didn't make it with the babysitter so they had nowhere to leave their little boy!After a lot of talk father came up with an idea!-We will put a vinyl at the pickup deck,something with kid-stories so our little boy will sleep at once and everything will be fine!-Ok,said the wife!So,that is what they did and went out sure for their plan!After about 2 hours,they arrived back home and listen noise and the boy screaming-I waaaant,i waaaant,i waaaaant....

They run up to boy's room and saw the little boy hitting the wall and screaming the same words-I waaaant!They wonder about what happened and then they listened to the pickup-Do you want to listen my story? you want to listen my story? you want to listen my story?

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