You Know You're a Redneck When...

- You wet the bed and ten people immediately know about it.
- You mow the lawn to find a truck.
- Your house moves more than your truck.
- Your grandmother has ammo and guns on her Christmas list.
- Your 1 year old has more teeth than any of your family members.
- Your car has more rust and holes than paint.
- The dog has a higher I.Q. than you.
- Any of your kids has been born on a pool table.
- Your salary comes from the offering plate.
- You think rich people work at McDonalds.
- Your clothes come from dollar general and big lots.
- Your dog closes his eyes when he sees what you're eating.
- You have been divorced and remarried several times, but you.
- Still have the same in-laws.
- Your prom had a daycare.
- You're considered an honor student because you finished the
fifth grade.
- You take a six pack cooler to church.
- The jack'o'lantern on your front porch has more teeth than you.
- You know more than one person named "Darryl."

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Next: Dentist Jokes 5

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