Slow Down at the Stop Sign

My friend was once driving around in Baltimore, and he was lost.
Consequently, he didn't see a stop sign in time and he only
managed to slow down. As luck would have it, a policeman saw him
and pulled him over.

The officer asked, "Are you aware you just ran that stop sign?"

My friend replied, "Yes, officer. But I can explain. I'm lost,
and I didn't see it. But I slowed down. Did you see me slow

My friend tried for a little while longer to explain that he was
lost and was very insistent upon the fact that he slowed down.

Finally, the officer took out his flashlight and began hitting
it against his hand.

"Son," he said slowly, "If I was beating you over the head with
this flashlight, would you want me to stop, or would you want me

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