
Proof that....

People are assholes.
Today in connetcuit a woman was standing on the side of the
bridge, ready to jump to her death. The police had to close the
bridge because a group of, one car, one truck and a busload of
people were chanting 'jump jump jump.' Scarcely believable, they
actually sounded pretty good

People are idiots
Two days ago on Long Island, New York, a hispanic man who had
recently robbed a few department stores had run away into the
woods while police chased him. Know what he did? Climbed a tree.
The police found him. He grabbed for something, a police officer
said, "He's got a gun" and shot him down.

People are illiterate
Recently two men, just starting out as crooks, were robbing
vetrenary offices. Im not sure of the correct
spelling/puncuation but they found what they thought read
'Histofetimene' which is a new drug out that gives a 'heroine
high simulation' without the risk. They took it, turned up a day
later in a hospital. Turns out the drug was actually used to
'lessen contractions during dog birth' or something. Jackasses.

People are ignorant
A ground crew for a news station couldn't get to the site of an
accident to report what happened because the power cord to the
camera didnt reach far enough. Needless to say, the cord went to
the van which was parked 200 feet away, a road going right
passed the accident was wide open. 5 lanes wide open.

People are computer retarded
The 'Any Key' phenomenon. 'Nuff said.

People are sexually explorative
A man, several years ago, got his genetalia stuck in the filter
of his hot tub. For four hours. He was experimenting when the
sudden blockage caused the filter to goto 'suck' mode. Needless
to say, i got this from some medical TV show. Who could resist?

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