Here Kitty, Kitty

There was a woman who was burned out on her husband's lack of
affection, so she went to the doctor to see if he could do
anything about it.

"Here." He said, handing her a bottle of pills, "Try this--slip
one in his coffee and see what happens."

So, she went home. That evening while her husband sat and read
the newspaper, she poured him a steaming hot cup of coffee, and
slipped a pill into it.

She was so satisfied with the result, that over the weeks, she
added more pills until she finally just dumped the rest of the
bottle into his coffee.

The next day, the doctor decided to call and check up on her and
her husband. Their son answered.

"Hey there, I was just calling to check on your parents. How are
they?" The doctor said.

"Well," The boy began, "My mom's dead, my sister's pregnant, my
ass hurts, the dog ran away, and my dad's out in the front yard
naked, screaming, 'here kitty kitty!'"

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Next: Dentist Jokes 5

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