A Koala Identificati

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ {~._.~} {~:_:~} {~...~} {~+_+~} {~+ +~} ( Y ) ( Y ) ( Y ) ( Y ) ( Y ) ()~*~() ()~*~() ()~*~() ()~*~() ()~*~() (_)-(_) (_)-(_) (_)-(_) (_)-(_) (_)-(_) Koala Koala Koala Dead Sleeping saying saying koala koala yes no ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ {~-_-~} {~p_q~} {~o o~} {~._.~} {~._.~} ( Y ) ( Y ) ( . ) ( Y ) ( Y ) ()~*~() ()~*~() ()~*~() ()~*~() ()v-v() (_)-(_) (_)-(_) (_)-(_) (_)Y(_) (_)^(_) Asian A very Surprised Male Female koala tired koala koala koala koala ___ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ___ {~._.~} {~===~} ~._.~/ {~x_x~} {~. .~} _( Y )_ ( Y ) ( Y ) ( Y ) ( V ) (:_~*~_:) ()~*~() ()~*~() ()~*~() ()~*~() (_)-(_) (_)-(_) (_)-(_) (_)-(_) (_)-(_) Hugging Geordi Spock Pissed Pinocchio koala koala koala koala koala * ___ ___ _ _ /_ ___ {~._.~} {~._.~} ( )-( ) {~._.~} {~._.~} ( Y ) ( Y ) ()_*_() ( Y ) ( Y ) j~*~l ()~*~() ( v ) ()~*~() ~H (_)-(_) l_T_| {_` '_} (_)-(_) H ~~~ ~ 'armless Standing Upside Party Koala koala koala down koala icecream koala . ___ // .---. // _ _ ___ {~._.~}// Y|o o|Y// {~.V.~} {~._.~} ( Y )K/ /_(i=i)K/ ( Y ) ( Y ) ()~*~() ~()~*~()~ ()~*~() ()~S~() (_)-(_) (_)-(_) (_)-(_) /(_)-(_) Luke Darth Koala with Superman Skywalker Vader a splitting koala koala koala headache

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